This past Saturday, May 24th, Wings of America took a team to Lower Old Oraibi to run the Hakintonmuya Relays. Organized by Juwan Nuvayokva of “Run Hopi”, this unique race challenges participants with some of the sandiest and steepest terrain on the Hopi Reservation. Each team entered is co-ed. This years Wings’ team was made up of Binahnii Curley, Daangoina Haven, Nikesha Eagleman and Dion John. As the team arrived early at 6am on Saturday morning, the weather was cool after the rain of the previous days, which had left the air beautifully clear for each runners’ 4 mile leg of the 16 mile relay. This helped with the initial challenging sand hill that runners face on the relay course! All four runners ran a successful race, with the team coming in first place overall for the relays. They were each awarded prizes of Run Hopi sweatshirts and Nike duffle bags. Winners in other categories earned other Nike apparel provided by Wings. Congratulations B, Dion, Daan, Nikesha and everyone else who competed last Saturday!