Wings has an exciting track record, and you can make it even better!

Click the “DONATE” button below to donate via credit card or checking account with PayPal online.

Or, send a check along with your name, mailing address, and telephone number payable to Wings of America to: 13701 Skyline Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87123

To sign up to receive news about Wings programs and fundraising initiatives via email, please CLICK HERE

Wings Donor Levels

TEAM MEMBER >> $25 COACH >> $250

***Donations of any amount are always welcome and greatly appreciated.*** Your kind support helps Wings athletes and participants year-round.

In 2018, a generous donor agreed to match up to $500,000 raised by the organization in honor of our 30th anniversary. At the end of 2020, Wings managed to max out this match opportunity to establish the “Long Run” endowment fund. As these assets continue to grow, modest annual draws (<4% of the principal) will be made with Board approval to help support ongoing programs for Native youth focused on exercise, play, and Indigenous running history. If you are interested in helping grow our endowment with a cash donation or through estate planning, please reach out to our Executive Director by emailing

If you have any questions, please call us at (505) 982-6761. Gifts are tax deductible within the limits prescribed by law. The Earth Circle Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) educational and philanthropic institution.

Thank you for investing in the future of American Indian youth.