The next USA Cross Country Championship meet is scheduled for February 6, 2021 in San Diego, CA. Whether the event is cancelled due to the pandemic or not, Wings will not be sending a team. The risk of bringing together student-athletes from across state lines is still too great. This is the first winter since 1988 that Wings will not be sponsoring an elite group of Native youth runners to train and race together. Though we are disappointed, it is the only responsible decision.
Instead of creating an opportunity for the 16 fastest Native runners in the country, Wings has re-allocated National Team travel funds to help dedicated runners stay motivated and sharp through “lockdown”. Wings will host a FREE “virtual 5K time trial” until February 6, 2020.
***UPDATE*** Program EXTENDED until MAY 31, 2021
This opportunity is open to any Native runners between the ages of 14-19. It is also open to former National Team Members AND anyone that has tried out for the Wings National Team since 2013. We want to give as many Native runners as possible the opportunity to show Wings they “still got it”!
Those runners that submit 5K times under the qualifying standards will receive a new pair of training shoes from Wings.
Qualifying standards are as follows:
Men’s Time:_________________(5K)- 17:35 or faster
Women’s Time: ______________(5K)- 20:35 or faster
**Times must be submitted along with GPS data (Nike Run Club, Garmin, Google Earth Course Map & Time etc.) on or before February 7, 2020. If you do not have a way of tracking your run via satellite, Wings will help you learn how to trace your course on Google Earth so that the distance is precise. There are no restrictions/requirements for the type of terrain runners can run their qualifying time on. It may be as hilly or as flat as they want. But treadmill times will not be accepted. For those that had an XC season, official meet results from races run October 1st, 2020 or later will also be accepted.
Click HERE to register for the “virtual 5K time trial” (FREE)
Wings created this opportunity to help keep keep inventory of the talents and hard work of American Indian youth despite COVID-19 shutting down many of our communities and sporting seasons. Those that run under the qualifying time will be named as part of the”2021 Honorary Wings National Team”. Any eligible runner that registers to “try-out” for the team will receive a free neck-gaiter designed by Jemez artist George Toya in the mail.
Click HERE to submit your time trial time
Runners that may not be ready to run under the qualifying standard but would like to train to try and beat it before February 6, 2020 are encouraged to contact Wings Executive Director, Dustin Martin, for training guidance and/or a workout schedule: (cell) 505-977-5057 or (email)

2019 Wings National Team Members on a hike in the Sandias while gathered for training camp over winter break.