9169 Coors Boulevard Northwest
Albuquerque, NM 87120
Please join Sports Warrios and Wings of America at the 6th Annual Jim Thorpe 5K Race.
Competitive Races: 5K Runs (All Divisions) and 1K Kids race (12 & Under)
Non-Competitive Race: 1 & 2 Mile Fitness Walks, 300 Meter Toddler Dash
5K Race Divisions:
The Native America 5K National Championships is open to all American Indian / Alaska Native and First Nations people of Canada.
The NM 5K Road State Championships is open to All New Mexico USATF registered participants.
The Community 5K Run is open to all with no retsrictions.
Special Recognition Awards: TBA
This year Sports Warrios is pleased to announce partnership with Wings of America, An American Indian Youth Developement Program. Wings celebrates their 25th anniversary serving Native youths from across the Country. We welcome ALL Wings past and present alumni, participants, staff, board members and supporter to attend.